Jackson Sanatorium
Regarded as one of the easiest explores around, naturally we were spotted on the way in and ejected by the police. The officer was very nice to us and called the owner to see if they were willing to let us go. This is one time where having a massive amount of camera equipment with…
Read MoreHoratio Alger Center for the Mentally Impaired
Just a couple shots. This is one of those places that is very very epic, but also tricky to pull good shots from. The woodwork we saw was astonishing, though. Tons of fun visiting this one.
Read MoreNorwich State Hospital on Film
Another set from Nahhhhwich, this one on Fuji Pro 160S. These were shot on one of the Canon A1s I was shooting with to try and lighten the load. These are probably the majority of my favorite shots from here, and I believe this was my last trip.
Read MoreNorthampton State Hospital Nurses’ Dorm- Trip 9
The nurses’ dorm was the first building you saw when driving past Northampton State Hospital. Perhaps because it was so out in the open and obvious, I never explored it until years later. As it turned out, it was a really fantastic building! The last few shots in the gallery are from the Memorial Complex.
Read MoreWorcester State Hospital
Unfortunately my risk tolerance wasn’t quite high enough to see as much of Worcester as I wanted, but I did manage to get a few shots inside during the demolition, including of the famed camera obscura which was created by a hole in one of the boards over the windows. This was also the site…
Read MoreGreystone Park Psychiatric Hospital – Trip 2
My second trip to Greystone was a solo trip during the summer. It was HOT and a thunderstorm rolled in while I was in the medical building, which made for a really cool spooky day. I also remember jogging up a path through the bushes from my car towards the entrance I knew about. All…
Read MoreKings Park Psychiatric Center
Kings Park had been on my list for some time but the distance was just a bit more than I was willing to tackle in a single day, especially considering the massive amount of exploring that lay ahead of me. In the end, it turned out to be the first place I ever traveled and…
Read MoreCentral Islip Psychiatric Center
My trip to Central Islip was brief, but interesting. I stopped here after exploring the Kings Park Psychiatric Center. I was torn between my desire to explore and my desire to get on the road for a very long drive home so I was only able to explore one building.
Read MoreFoxborough State Hospital
Foxboro State hospital opened in 1889 and treated patients until about 1976. Unfortunately I was not able to explore the hospital before renovations began, but I could not let this place be renovated without seeing it at least once.
Read MoreGaebler Children’s Center – Trips 1 – 3
Built near the Metropolitan State Hospital campus, the Gaebler School was created specifically to address the needs of children with mental illnesses. As with many institutions of it’s type, the stories of former patients who resided within these walls are not always pretty. It is chilling to walk the halls of this building, passing seclusion…
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