
Buffalo State Hospital – June 2, 2024

By dave | June 20, 2024

Another fantastic trip to Buffalo State Hospital with Preservation Works. We were able to access some of the violent wards further out in the female wing of the Kirkbride this time, which was a real treat. Some of these shots are covering the same ground from previous trips, but its the experience of photographing in…

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Buffalo State Hospital – September 24, 2023

By dave | September 25, 2023

Preservation Works recently organized a photography tour of Buffalo State Hospital. Having greatly enjoyed my previous tours of the Kirkbride there was no question of whether I was going to make the 7 hour drive to Buffalo. During my previous visits in 2013 they were beginning to convert part of the building in to a…

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Northville Regional Psychiatric Hospital

By dave | April 23, 2020

The COVID crisis has given me some time to make progress on posting all of the pictures and locations from my days of exploring abandoned buildings. Getting all of the material online is something I really want to accomplish, but don’t make enough time to work on. For the most part, I backdate my posts…

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Buffalo State Hospital – July 13, 2013

By dave | December 29, 2018

We made a second trip to Buffalo State to do another tour just a couple of months after our first visit to Buffalo State Hospital.

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Buffalo State Hospital – May 5, 2013 – Set 2

By dave | December 29, 2018

During our first visit to Buffalo State we got very lucky. Naturally, after the tour ended I was asking about getting more time to photograph (which I would be more than happy to pay for), etc. Christine, the absolutely fantastic person in charge of operations at the Richardson Olmsted Complex indicated that I would really…

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Buffalo State Hospital – May 5, 2013 – Set 1

By dave | December 29, 2018

Construction on the Buffalo State Asylum for the Insane began in 1872 with the hospital opening in 1880. The architect was Henry Hobson Richardson who designed many well known buildings, including Trinity Church in Boston and the Thomas Crane Memorial Library on Harvard’s campus. The landscape architect was Frederick Law Olmsted, who designed central park.…

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Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital – Trip 1

By dave | September 12, 2012

Much to my chagrin, I have never explored the Kirkbride building at Greystone. Too much drama and too many legal hassles have surrounded it in recent years, and the rewards were far outstripped by the risk. I have been told by those that have been inside that the outbuildings on campus were really the best…

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Horatio Q. DeSantis State School

By dave | November 14, 2010

As I write this in 2020, it has been such an incredibly long time since I have been to this place, or really done any serious exploring, that it feels ridiculous to give this place a fake name. It’s well known. However, it is the subject of a fair amount of hand wringing in the…

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Geena at Medfield

By dave | June 24, 2010
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Sweating Bullets State Hospital

By dave | April 4, 2010

Unfortunately, this is one of those locations where the best parts of the story will have to remain a mystery. There was nothing particularly difficult about exploring this place but, being a 100% active campus with abandoned wings interspersed with active wings, things were definitely very interesting. I remember that the day we went here…

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