Buffalo State Hospital – June 2, 2024

Another fantastic trip to Buffalo State Hospital with Preservation Works. We were able to access some of the violent wards further out in the female wing of the Kirkbride this time, which was a real treat. Some of these shots are covering the same ground from previous trips, but its the experience of photographing in such a great location that I was after. I tried to improve a couple of shots I wasn’t happy with.

For this trip I rented the new Fuji GF 30mm Tilt shift lens. When it arrived, I was a bit put off by how big and unwieldy it is. I had planned to buy this lens, but I really questioned if I still wanted it. I went on this trip to Buffalo with it and returned it. Two weeks later I was scheduled to go on another tour of a different place and I found myself thinking, “how can I possibly get the shots I want without a tilt shift”. It just so happened that a retailer had one in stock despite them being almost impossible to find. So now I own one.

It is an amazing feeling to do some exploring again, even if it is limited to tours with permission. I am trying go go on every tour I possibly can though. If there is another tour of Buffalo before the development completes, I will gladly go on it and take many of the same shots again!